
Diglycolamide (DGA) resin, a product produced by Eichrom Technologies, Inc. employs TODGA (N,N,N′,N′-tetraoctyldiglycolamide) as the active extractant, which will be used by Savannah River National Laboratory to extract trivalent actinides and lanthanides from dissolved irradiated Mark-18A targets. The final form of the extracted material will be an oxide suitable for shipment. A two-step process was developed and validated for the direct recovery of actinides and lanthanides loaded on I-grade DGA resin as nitrates by thermally drying and decomposing resin loaded with Nd(III), a surrogate for trivalent actinides and lanthanides, under inert conditions followed by calcining the resultant residue in air to provide an oxide product. A stepwise heating profile up to 385°C under argon gas flow resulted in 85% to 89% mass loss during the resin drying and decomposition step, and calcination of the resultant Nd-loaded resin residue provided an overall material mass loss of ≥ 98%. Recoveries from resin saturated with Nd(III) from 7 M and 0.35 M nitric acid subjected to this process were 30.7 mg and 27.6 mg Nd/g dry resin, respectively, representing an average of 96.1% of Nd retained in the resin bed.

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