
Aims: To evaluate the structure and dynamic process of a CCB whose goal was to create an evidence-based substance abuse/health intervention for ex-offenders and to provide lessons learned to enhance future CBPR endeavors. Methods: Meeting notes, attendance, video recordings, and indepth interviews with 13 CCB members at baseline (Baseline: two weeks after the CCB’s first meeting) and elevenmembers at twelve months follow-up were used to conduct an independent process evaluation. Open coding identified themes and patterns across answers regardingmembership engagement, retention, and power distribution. Results: Results showed member retention (73.3% retention rate) was due to strong personal commitment to the targeted problem. Analysis also revealed an unequal power distribution between members. Nevertheless, the development of an innovative, community-based health intervention manual was accomplished within one year. Aspects of the process, such as, incentives, sub-committees and trainings, enhanced the Board’s ability to integrate the community and scientific knowledge to accomplish its research agenda. Conclusions:CBPRwasauseful framework inenhancingquality and efficiency in the development of an innovative, communitybased substance abuse/health intervention manual for distressed communities. The use of a structured format, incentives, subcommittees, and trainings proved critical in the success of this process. Overall, this article sheds light on a process that illustrates the integration of community-based and scientific knowledge to address the health, economic and societal marginalization of lowincome, minority communities. Financial Support: The studywas supported by Award Number P30MH079920 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The authorswere supported as postdoctoral andpre-doctoral fellows in the Behavioral Sciences Training in Drug Abuse Research Program sponsored by Public Health Solutions and National Development and Research Institutes with funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (5T32DA007233).

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