
AbstractIn this paper, the controls of different indicators on the statistical moments (i.e. mean annual flood (MAF), coefficient of variation (CV) and skewness (CS)) of the maximum annual flood records of 459 Austrian catchments are analysed. The process controls are analysed in terms of the correlation of the flood moments within five hydrologically homogeneous regions to two different types of indicators. Indicators of the first type are static catchment attributes, which are associated with long‐term observations such as mean annual precipitation, the base flow index, and the percentage of catchment area covered by a geological unit or soil type. Indicators of the second type are dynamic catchment attributes that are associated with the event scale. Indicators of this type used in the study are event runoff coefficients and antecedent rainfall. The results indicate that MAF and CV are strongly correlated with indicators characterising the hydro‐climatic conditions of the catchments, such as mean annual precipitation, long‐term evaporation and the base flow index. For the catchments analysed, the flood moments are not significantly correlated with static catchment attributes representing runoff generation, such as geology, soil types, land use and the SCS curve number. Indicators of runoff generation that do have significant predictive power for flood moments are dynamic catchment attributes such as the mean event runoff coefficients and mean antecedent rainfall. The correlation analysis indicates that flood runoff is, on average, more strongly controlled by the catchment moisture state than by event rainfall. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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