
Reactive transport modeling of a permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of mine drainage was used to integrate a comprehensive data set including pore water chemistry and solid phase data from several sampling events over a >3-year time period. The simulations consider the reduction of sulfate by the organic carbon-based treatment material and the removal of sulfate and iron by precipitation of reduced mineral phases including iron monosulfides and siderite. Additional parameters constraining the model include dissolved H 2S, alkalinity and pH, as well as a suite of solid phase S-fractions identified by extractions. Influences of spatial heterogeneity necessitated the use of a 2-dimensional modeling approach. Simulating observed seasonal fluctuations and long-term changes in barrier reactivity required the use of temperature dependent rate coefficients and a multimodal Monod-type rate expression accounting for the variable reactivity of different organic carbon fractions. Simulated dissolved concentrations of SO 4, Fe, H 2S, alkalinity and pH, as well as solid phase accumulations of reduced sulfur phases generally compare well to observed trends over 23 months. Spatial variations, seasonal fluctuations and the time-dependent decline in reactivity were also captured. The modeling results generally confirm, and further strengthen, the existing conceptual model for the site. Overall sulfate reduction and S-accumulation rates are constrained with confidence within a factor of 1.5.

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