
Part 1 Theory: information-processing operators in decision making, Oswald Huber from cognition to action - the search for dominance in decision making, Henry Montgomery rules and strategies in decision making - a critical analysis from phenomenological perspective, Gunnar Karlsson. Part 2 Method: eliciting and analyzing verbal protocols in process studies of judgement and decision making, Ola Svenson illustrating verbal protocol analysis - individual decisions and dialogues preceding a joint decision, Ola Svenson three methods for analyzing decision making using written documents, Irmtraud N.Gallhofer and Willem E.Saris. Part 3 Experimental studies: a think-aloud study of dominance structuring in decision processes, Henry Montgomery and Ola Svenson information search and evaluative processes in decision making - a computer-based process-tracing study, Ulf Dahlstrand and Henry Montgomery positive and negative decision frames - a verbal protocol analysis of the Asian disease problem of Tversky and Kahneman, A.John Maule preselection, uncertainty of preferences and information processing in human decision making, Tadeusz Tyszka structuring and evaluating simple monetary risks, Rob Ranyard information search and decision making - the effect of information displays, Gunilla A.Sundstroem change of preferences under time pressure - choices and judgements, Ola Svenson and Anne Edland. Part 4 Societal decision making: scenario analysis and energy politics - the disclosure of causal structures in decision making, Anders Biel and Henry Montgomery the credibility of inflation-related scenarios of different lengths, Goran Nilsson postdecisional justification - the case of De Lorean, Ray Crozier decision trees and decision rules in politics - the empirical decision analysis procedure, Irmtraud N.Gallhofer and Willem E.Saris.

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