
Abstract : The workshop. Seismo-Acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics. took place at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on March 24-26. 2004. The thirty-three attendees of the workshop represented a broad spectrum of researchers including experimentalists and modelers. and spanned the fields of marine geology and geophysics. long-range ocean acoustics. and continental crutal seismology. The following were the workshop's goals: 1.. Identify necessary. important. or promising research directions to further the application of seismo-acoustics (1.-phases) in marine geology and geophysics. What are the limitations of our present knowledge? What potential is there for improving seismo-acoustics as a technique to study earth science in the oceans? What are the aspects of 1.-phase research relevant to the U.S. Navy. 2. Provide an opportunity for the marine geology and geophysics and ocean acoustics communities to organize their thoughts on this topic. and provide funding agencies and community with clear guidelines for future research in this field. Workshop recommendations could be cited. for example. in proposals from individual (or groups of individual) investigators to ONR and NSF. This report consists of a 58 -page summary of the workshop and its recommendations and 13 poster presentations included on a multimedia CD-R available through the APL-UW Library (libraryapl.washington.edu).

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