
Session of Thursday, December 27 The twentieth annual meeting of the Paleontological Society was called to order by President Foerste, at 9 a. m., in the School Service Building of the American Museum of Natural History. Previous to this, on Wednesday evening, at 8 o’clock, the members attended the address of the retiring President of the Geological Society of America, Dr. Bailey Willis, entitled “Continental genesis,” and following this the complimentary smoker given to the affiliated societies by our New York hosts. The usual introductory business session was postponed until later, so that the reading of papers was taken up at once. PRESENTATION OF PAPERS A new determination of a frequently quoted Lower Paleozoic brachiopod formed the subject of the first paper, illustrated by lantern slides. Discussion by Messrs. Ulrich, Kay, and Bassler. RAFINESQUINA INCURVATA (SHEPARD), A CINCINNATIAN BRACHIOPOD BY G. MARSHALL KAY ( Abstract ) Shepard, in 1838, described Producta incurvata . . .

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