
BackgroundUniversal Health Coverage (UHC)is central to the health Sustainable Development Goals(SDG). Working towards UHC is a powerful mechanism for achieving the right to health and promoting human development which is a priority area of focus for the World Health Organization WHO. As a result, the WHO Regional Office for Africa convened the first-ever Africa Health Forum, co- hosted by the government of Rwanda in Kigali in June 2017 with the theme “Putting People First: The Road to Universal Health Coverage in Africa”. The Forum aimed to strengthen and forge new partnerships, align priorities and galvanize commitment to advance the health agenda in Africa in order to attain UHC and the SDGs. This paper reports the proceedings and conclusions of the forum.MethodsThe forum was attended by over 800 participants. It employed moderated panel and public discussions, and side events with political leaders, policy makers and technicians from ministries of health and finance, United Nations agencies, the private sector, the academia, philanthropic foundations, youth, women and non-governmental organizations drawn from within and outside the Region.ConclusionsThe commitment to achieve UHC was a collective expression of the belief that all people should have access to the health services they need without risk of financial hardship. The attainment of UHC will require a significant paradigm shift, including development of new partnerships especially public-private partnerships in selected areas with limited government resources, intersectoral collaboration to engage in interventions that affect health but are outside the purview of the ministries in charge of health and identification of public health issues where knowledge gaps exist as research priorities. The deliberations of the Forum culminated into a “Call-to-Action” – Putting People First: The Road to Universal Health Coverage in Africa, which pledged a renewed determination for Member States, in partnership with the private Sector, WHO, other UN Agencies and partners to support the attainment of the SDGs and UHC. There was agreement that immediate action was required to implement the call-to-action, and that the African Regional Office of WHO should develop a plan to rapidly operationalize the outcomes of the meeting.


  • Universal Health Coverage (UHC)is central to the health Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)

  • Over the past 25 years concerted efforts by African governments and partners to focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) led to substantial improvements in population health outcomes

  • This paper summarizes the proceedings of the Forum and concludes on what is needed to implement its call-to-action and the attainment of SDGs and UHC in the African Region

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The forum employed moderated plenary discussions, side and special events with political leaders, health experts, stakeholders and partners drawn from within and outside the Region; an additional file shows the details of the sessions and speakers [see Additional file 1]. Call to action The Forum culminated in a “Call-to-Action” titled “Putting People First: The Road to Universal Health Coverage in Africa” that highlights the public health needs for which the major stakeholders committed themselves to: Keeping UHC as the overarching approach for attaining SDG3 in order to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; Sustaining strong political will and commitment, increasing and sustaining domestic and external financial contributions and investments in health, including establishing innovative financing mechanisms, ensuring value for money and increased accountability; Building, re-orienting and re-aligning health systems towards UHC, with emphasis on primary health care, and maintaining effective systems to ensure improved financial protection and affordability for the most vulnerable populations, including women, children and the youth while intensifying focus on quality and equity;. Creating new opportunities for improved partnerships and an enabling environment that brings together the different stakeholders to undertake transformational change, including strengthening legislative frameworks, regulatory capacity and financial management, and reorienting public policy-making and the health workforce

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