
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Karlsruhe and to the Second Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE 2011. ICPE is a merger of ACM's Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP) and SPEC's International Performance Evaluation Workshop (SIPEW). Following a successful first joint meeting in San Jose last year, the conference is now established as a regular event with a 12-month cycle under the name of ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE). Since its inception in 1998, WOSP has brought together software engineers, developers, performance analysts and software/performance modelers who are addressing the challenges of increasing system complexity, rapidly evolving software technologies, short time to market, incomplete documentation, and less-than-adequate methods, models and tools for developing, modeling, and measuring scalable, high-performance software. The focus of WOSP is therefore in the intersection of software and performance, rather than one discipline in isolation. SIPEW, which is part of the SPEC Benchmark Workshop Series, was established by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) with the goal to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of system performance evaluation, by offering a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia. The workshop provides a platform for researchers and industry practitioners to share and present their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research in all aspects of performance evaluation including both hardware and software issues. The new ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) brings together the WOSP and SIPEW communities building on their common interests and complementary nature. To reach this point, WOSP's sponsoring organization, ACM (acting in concert with its performance and software engineering special interest groups SIGMETRICS and SIGSOFT) and SPEC had to agree on many matters. The sponsoring organizations have different perspectives, traditions, and procedures. ACM's membership consists of individuals from academia, industry, and government worldwide. SPEC's membership consists of industrial organizations, universities and research institutes. We and our sponsoring organizations have had the pleasure of working together to continue building a bridge between the two communities, driven by a common desire to draw on each other's experience, energy, and expertise. The present conference is the result of this process. In this second iteration of ICPE, we have introduced an explicit industrial applications and experience track with a separate program committee, as well as a new work-in-progress and vision track. The goal of the latter is to provide the opportunity for attendees to present and discuss preliminary results from their latest work, as well as position papers on emerging hot topics in the field of performance engineering. We hope that the discussions raised in this track can feed the community with new and visionary ideas, and/or they can help to establish new collaborations among researchers in the community. Overall, 87 submissions were received in the main research and industrial tracks and there were over 100 submissions over all submission tracks. The accepted papers cover a range of different topics in performance engineering with a good balance between theoretical and practical contributions from both industry and academia.

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