
WebMedia (Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web) is an annual event, promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), which has been, since 1995, the most important Brazilian forum for presentations, tutorials and discussions on recent advances in research and technology related to Multimedia and the Web. In its fourteenth edition, WebMedia is held from 26-29 October in the beautiful city of Vila Velha, in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. The conference occurs jointly with the V Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems (SBSC), the VI Workshop on Information and Human Language Technology (TIL) and the II Workshop on Business Process Management (WBPM). Since the events have several common topics of interest, this joint edition is an excellent opportunity to facilitate the interchange of ideas and work between researchers, professionals and students of the research areas addressed by complementary research areas. WebMedia 2008 has been organized by the Computer Science Department of the Federal University of Espirito Santo, in conjunction with the Centro Universitario Vila Velha (UVV) and FAESA. The conference has obtained financial and organization support from SBC, ACM, Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil (CGI.br), FAPES, CAPES, ArcelorMittal, CNPq, UOL, NP2Tec and INFOMAX. The conference has also been supported by PETROBRAS. Besides technical sessions with full and short paper presentations, the joint programs of XIV WebMedia, V SBSC, VI TIL and II WBPM include six tutorials, eight invited keynote speakers, a session with demos and tools, a poster session, a workshop of Ph.D. and M.Sc. work and an undergraduate research workshop. The proceedings have been divided into two volumes this year. This volume gathers 32 full papers, selected from 120 full-paper submissions; leading to an acceptance rate lower than 27%. The second volume (Companion Proceedings) consists of 14 short papers selected from 64 submissions in the short paper category and 8 papers submitted originally as full papers and accepted as short papers. Further, the second volume includes 13 papers presented as posters. The second volume also includes the papers of the VIII Workshop on Theses and Dissertations (WTD), V Brazilian Workshop on Undergraduate Research (WTIC), VII Workshop on Tools and Applications (WFA), II Workshop on Business Process Management (WBPM) and VI Workshop on Information and Human Language Technology (TIL).

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