
We are delighted to welcome you to the 21st Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web -- WebMedia'15. WebMedia'15 is an annual symposium sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC -- Sociedade Brasileira de Computação) in the fields of Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web. WebMedia's 21st edition is held from October 27th to October 30th, 2015 in Manaus, capital of Amazonas State -- Brazil. WebMedia'15 is organized by the Group of Treatment of Information (GTI) from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and has many other sponsors and supporters including FAPEAM, CGI.br, NIC.br, CNPq, RNP, and W3C. The central feature of the symposium, since its inception, is its Technical Program. The symposium's technical program is composed by technical sessions with full papers, short papers, short courses, and workshops (Thesis and Dissertation Workshop, Tools and Applications Workshop and Undergraduate Research Workshop). WebMedia'15 proceedings include 21 full papers and 17 short papers. These papers were selected from 61 full paper submissions and 31 short paper submissions, for acceptance rates of 34% and 55%, respectively. The Symposium's Program Committee worked very hard to select papers that will be presented and published from among many submissions of excellent quality. We thank all the submitting authors for their research efforts and for their submissions and congratulate those who had their work accepted. In addition to the Technical Program, this year's symposium features a diverse range of activities including Panels, Keynote Speakers, and Courses included on the First International Amazon School on Web and Research Technologies (WeRT) that will take place along with Webmedia. Attendants of Webmedia will have free access to courses of WeRT, depending on space availability. Additionally, the conference will hold the II Workshop on Video Collaboration, promoted by Brazilian National Research and Educational Network (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa -- RNP). Finally, we pay homage to Professor Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares, who left us this year. He deeply contributed to the Brazilian scientific computing community, and particularly to the Webmedia community. No words can express his sudden loss. It is in his memory that we hold the twenty-first edition of the event he helped create.

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