
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to CPP 2015, the fourth ACM SIGPLAN conference on Certified Proofs and Programs. The CPP series of meetings aims to cover those topics in computer science and mathematics in which certification via formal techniques is crucial. Topics of interest range from interactive and automated theorem proving to program proof to the mechanization of mathematics, with the production of independently-checkable certificates as a recurring theme. A manifesto for CPP, written by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Zhong Shao, can be found at http://cpp2015.inria.fr/manifesto.html. The first three editions of CPP were held in December 2011 in Taipei (Taiwan), in December 2012 in Kyoto (Japan); and in December 2013 in Melbourne (Australia), all three co-located with APLAS, the Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems. This year, for the first time, CPP is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN and is co-located with POPL'15, the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, in Mumbai, India. We are deeply grateful to ACM SIGPLAN for sponsoring CPP'15, and to the POPL'15 general chair and local organizers for hosting CPP'15. We were pleased that Zhong Shao (Yale University) and Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI SWS) accepted our invitation to be invited speakers for CPP'15. Abstracts of their presentations are included in the proceedings. The program committee for CPP'15 was composed of 19 researchers from 12 countries. In response to the call for papers, we received a total of 26 submissions and accepted 18 papers for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings. Every submission was reviewed by at least four program committee members and their selected subreviewers. The electronic PC meeting was conducted with the help of the Easychair conference management system.

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