
The Midyear Council Meeting of The Paleontological Society (PS) was called to order by President Patricia H. “Tricia” Kelley on 13 April 2002 at 8:15 hrs in Room 291 of Mendenhall Laboratory on the campus of The Ohio State University. Attending were Council members William I. Ausich, Thomas W. Kammer, Carl W. Stock, Steven M. Holland, Gregory S. Herbert, Jonathan M. Adrain, Mark A. Wilson, Dale A. Springer, Russell H. “Tim” White, and C. Frederick Lohrengel, II. Timothy Hazen and Rodney M. Feldmann were also present. Minutes of the 2001 Annual Council Meeting were approved by acclamation. Tricia Kelley presented her President's Report, first welcoming Steve Holland, Fred Lohrengel, and Tim Hazen to their first Council meeting. She reported writing several letters, including one to the Geological Society of America (GSA), protesting their withdrawal of $5,000 support for the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Jack Hess, GSA Executive Director, replied that they had made this contribution only twice, and instead offered to assess a 10–15% surcharge on future volumes of the Treatise, to help support its future production. She also wrote to Guy Dresser at Allen Marketing and Management about some issues of concern, one of which was the poor quality of illustrations in the May 2001 issue of the Journal of Paleontology ( JP ). We have also been experiencing problems with subscriptions, and the aborted 2001 election of officers. President Kelley wrote an article for the March 2002 issue of GSA Today, publicizing the activities of the PS. She worked with Peter Harries on Priscum —the spring issue is about to come out. She attended the GSA Associated Societies meeting in Boulder, CO on 23 February 2002. Among the topics discussed were GSA's budget problems—some programs will have to be cut. Prominent attention was paid to GSA's electronic geoscience journal aggregate. …

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