
This book reports transcripts of the 1st International Congress of Nephrology held at Geneva and Evian in September, 1960. This was organized by La Societe de Nephrologie, the Scandinavian Society for Kidney Research, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, Societa Italiana di Nefrologia, and the Renal Association. Approximately 75 papers were presented at this Congress covering a wide variety of topics. Separate sections were devoted to the Regulation of Tubular Ion Exchange and the Kidney in Shock, and a number of papers discussed kidney transplantation. Round-table discussions were held on the Morphological Basis of Glomerular Ultrafiltration, Stopflow Techniques and Diuretics, and numerous short communications described recent research in renal physiology and pathology. Almost half the papers are in French, and unfortunately multilingual summaries are not included. There is only one English summary to a French article. This is a distinct disadvantage to those who do not read French, as much

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