
Although significant progress has been made in recent years in plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures, there are still many issues to be solved. Thus, autologous fat transplantation is one of the promising treatments for soft tissue augmentation and facial rejuvenation, due to the lack of incisional scarring and complications associated with foreign materials. However, unpredictable problems and a low rate of graft survival due to partial necrosis occur. Recent research has led to the development of new adipose tissue transplantation techniques, with promising results, without establishing a standard protocol.


  • Significant progress has been made in recent years in plastic and rconstructive surgery procedures, there are still many issues to be solved

  • Although significant progress has been made in recent years in plastic

  • to the lack of incisional scarring and complications associated with foreign materials

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Procedee în chirurgia plastică a ţesuturilor moi. De la grefe de ţesut adipos la celule stem. Procedures in plastic surgery of soft tissues. From adipose tissue grafts to stem cells. Deşi în ultimii ani s-au acumulat progrese importante în procedeele utilizate în chirurgia plastică şi reparatorie, există încă multe aspecte care trebuie rezolvate. Transplantul grăsimii autologe este unul dintre tratamentele promiţătoare pentru augmentarea ţesuturilor moi şi întinerirea facială, datorită lipsei unei cicatrici incizionale şi complicaţiilor asociate cu materialele străine. Cercetări recente au dus la dezvoltarea unor tehnici noi de transplantare a ţesutului adipos, cu rezultate promiţătoare, fără a se stabili însă un protocol standard. Cuvinte cheie: ţesut adipos, celule stem, grefa de tesut adipos, lipotransfer asistat de celule stem

Grefarea grăsimii autologe structurale
Siguranţa aplicării tehnicii CAL
Concluzii şi perspective
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