
Problem. During operation, the bridge structure, made of reinforced concrete structures, is exposed to natural and climatic impacts, permanent and temporary load, chemicals and heavy traffic without virtually supervision of the structures. As a result, damage and defects appear in the elements of the bridge structure, the material of the structures undergoes structural changes, the damage spreads with different intensity and their degradation can cause destruction. In the process of operation, the building ages, loses its original capabilities, quality and consumer properties, so more and more costs are needed to restore and maintain its physical condition. Thus, the process of preservation comes to the fore, and the durability and reliability of structures depend on the effectiveness of actions for the preservation of bridge structures and the effectiveness of management for their operation and repair. Therefore, the relevance is not in doubt. Goal. The purpose of the work is to conduct a brief analysis of existing control systems for bridge structures. It is shown that the system of management and operation of bridge structures, implemented in Ukraine, has shortcomings, one of which is the unfinished issue of organizing the management process with the priority of current repairs, which allows timely recording of dangerous damage and prevents further deterioration of operational condition and the lack of specialized organizations.At the same time, any system for managing the condition of bridge structures is aimed at extending the service life of the structure (declared before reconstruction) and increasing the functionality of structures with prolonging the period of operation before overhaul. This is due to the preservation of individual structural elements or the current repair of pavement at the end of the second and during the third operating conditions with a rational use of resources.Results. It is proposed to improve the management system of bridge structures on the basis of prolongation of defect-free professional operation and preservation of structural solutions of the structure. Practical value. In the process of repairing bridge structures, technical or scientific support is provided to ensure the quality of work and the creation of specialized organizations during operation.

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