
The authors of the article considered the problem of the revitalization of the environment of rural settlements of Ukraine, which occupies one of the leading plac-es in the process of transition of the state to sustainable development. Today, Ukraine is taking the first steps in the transition period to sustainable development, and at this stage, the development - renewal, modernization, revitalization - of rural areas and settlements, which occupy about 63.5% of the country's territory, is gaining signifi-cant importance.
 The authors analyzed the strategic documents of the international and state lev-els, which determine the goals of transformation of all spheres of life of the country. Various aspects of understanding the process of development of rural settlements in Ukraine today are considered, in particular, based on the strategy of sustainable de-velopment. The paper highlights the results of theoretical elaboration of more than ten years of experience in designing master plans of rural settlements of Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy regions, to further identify patterns and establish principles of the revitalization of rural settlements based on sustainable development. This will help to predict future transformations of their structure, as well as to form the archi-tectural planning and spatial organization of settlements.
 The results of the study of theoretical sources and practice of designing rural settlements allowed us to identify several features that characterize the process of formation of a balanced and harmonious environment of settlements located in rural areas, as well as to systematize and determine the promising directions of their revi-talization based on sustainable development. The authors establish the types of func-tional orientation (specialization) of rural settlements production in Ukraine: logis-tics; crop and livestock production; Food Industry; tourism - ecological and ethnic; recreation and rehabilitation; science-intensive innovative production, etc. Multifac-tor analysis of resources and defined specialization of production provides an oppor-tunity to divide rural settlements into "promising" and "unpromising", and according to development options promising settlements in the direction of a certain "speciali-zation" to divide into mono-profile and multi-profile.

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