
AbstractThe purpose of the article is analysis of the legal status of small businesses in rural areas, identification of legal problems of organizing and running small businesses in rural areas and proposing ways to solve them. The authors used legal methods for determining the problems of the legal status of small forms of business: (1) Comparative legal. It is used to compare, characterize and identify the features of the legal status of a peasant farm, as well as agricultural cooperatives and business societies. (2) Method of analysis of legal norms, law enforcement and judicial practice. Analysis of the provisions of the current legislation makes it possible to identify the significance of a legal norm and determine the degree of its influence on the development of social relations, the participants of which are small forms of farming in the countryside. The solution to the problems of organizing and running small forms of farming in the countryside is the development of agricultural cooperation in the countryside. The organizational and legal form laid the foundation for the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity in the countryside. In the conditions of non-profitability of agricultural entrepreneurship, the Russian legislator needs to create a stable and comfortable legal environment for the development of rural cooperation. It is necessary to provide in the legislation, it is necessary to provide that measures of state support apply to agricultural consumer cooperatives and to personal subsidiary farms of citizens, as the main cell in the structure of agricultural cooperatives. KeywordsSmall forms of farmingPeasant farmingBusiness societiesAgricultural cooperativesAgricultural organizationLegal statusJEL ClassificationK15K22K29K39

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