
The study of the problems of the formation of the conceptual ap para tus in the field of legal support of artificial intelligence to develop effective le gal solutions in order to regulate new digital technologies. The work is based on a set of general scientific and special legal methods, including analysis, description, ge ne ra li zation, com parative law. The formation of legal definitions of artificial intelligence and related concepts (ro bot, cyber-physical system, etc.) requires the identification of the main legal fe atures of artificial intelligence. The following key characteristics of artificial in tel li gence are identified: optional hardware implementation; the ability of the system to analyze the environment; autonomy in operation; the ability to accumulate experience, its assessment and implementation of the task of self-learning; the pre sence of "intelligence", described through the categories of "rationality", "rationality" or simply the ability to "think like a person" or "act like a person" in all or in narrowly defined circumstances. Future legal regimes of artificial intelligence should take into account the possibility of weak artificial intelligence as a kind of complex thing and strong artificial intelligence that will "require" new legal solutions. The formation of legal definitions in the field of artificial intelligence must meet the requirements of universality, system city and ethics, and also allow, based on the selected properties, to establish systemic hierarchical relationships between concepts used in the field of artificial intelligence. The study develops the theoretical and practice-oriented provisions of in for mation law in matters of legal support for artificial intelligence, and also creates the basis for the formation of legislation in this area. The work can be used in further research activities on the legal regulation of the development, functioning and use of artificial intelligence systems.

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