
The purpose of the article is to highlight an important and relevant issue for Ukraine - shortcomings in the training of specialists in educational institutions of Ukraine, as well as to analyze existing problems with the organization of the educational process and the reasons for the current situation and develop directions for their resolution. The article is devoted to the problems that arose in Ukraine during the preparation of applicants for higher education and the identification of factors affecting the educational environment. The article deals with the participants and the processes of higher education, their interaction and impact on the development of the society as a whole, separate ways and tools to ensure and improve the quality of higher education are proposed. The emphasis is on the fact that science in Ukraine should become directly a productive force, it is necessary to raise the entire chain of training highly qualified personnel to the appropriate level, starting from kindergartens and schools and ending with continuing education institutions, stimulating the creative and inspirational work of the employees of these institutions. Methodology of research. The solution of the tasks posed in the article was carried out using such general scientific and special research methods as analysis and synthesis, observation, systematization and generalization, dialectic and didactic approaches. Findings. The directions for improving the quality of training of specialists in higher educational establishments of Ukraine are analyzed and identified. Practical value. The article substantiates that the implementation of the proposed activities will contribute to the improvement of the educational environment and integration into the European educational environment. Conclusions were drawn about the need to introduce a new education system in Ukraine. The main scientific statements of the article can be used in the practice of educational activities development. Keywords: higher education, institution of higher education, competencies, educational activities, discipline, teacher, higher education applicant, specialist. REFERENCES 1. Golovanova, M. A. (2019). Udoskonalennia roboty universytetiv cherez samootsiniuvannia na osnovi pryntsypiv CAF [Improving the work of universities through self-assessment based on CAF principles]. Tezy dop. Pershoi Mizhnar. Nauk.-prakt. konf. “Modernizatsiia vyshchoi osvity ta zabezpechennia yakosti osvitnoi diialnosti” (Kharkiv, 31 travnia 2019 r.) [Abstracts of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference “Upgrading Higher Education and Quality Assurance in Educational Activities” (Kharkiv, May 31, 2019)], pp. 52–54. Kharkiv: KhDUKhT [in Ukrainian]. 2. Gavva, V. M. (2003). Pidhotovka fakhivtsiv v sviti innovatsiinoho shliakhu rozvytku world of innovative way of development of economy of Ukraine]. Visnyk natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho un-tu “KhPI”: Tekhnichnyi prohres i efektyvnist vyrobnytstva – Bulletin of National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute: Collected papers. Series: Technical progress and efficiency, (20, Vol. 1), (рр. 214–216). Kharkiv: KhPI [in Ukrainian]. 3. Onyshchenko O. (2017). Liliya Grinevich: “Ot shkoly, gde nakachivayut znaniyami, my perekhodim k shkole kompetentnostej” [Lilia Grinevich: “From the school where they pump knowledge, we move on to the school of competencies”]. Zerkalo nedely, 32 (328), p. 11 [in Russian]. 4. TOP-200 shkil Ukrainy za rezultatamy ZNO 2019 roku [Top 200 schools in Ukraine according to the results of the 2019 EIT]. Osvita.ua. – URL: http://ru.osvita.ua/school/rating/65353/ (accessed 8 October 2019). 5. QS World University Rankings. URL: https://www.topuniversities.com/ universityrankings/world-university-rankings/2020 (accessed 01 October 2019). 6. Rayevnyeva, O. V., Aksyonova, I. V. (2015). Prognozirovanie kolichestva abiturientov VUZov v zavisimosti ot demograficheskih izmenenij i privlekatel’nosti vysshego obrazovaniya [Forecasting the Number of Prospective University Applicants Depending on Demographic Changes and Attractiveness of Higher Education]. The problems of economy, 3, (pp. 322–335) [in Russian]. 7. Gavva, V. N. (2017). Ekonomicheskie aspekty sistemy podgotovki kadrov v Ukraine XXI veka [Economic aspects of the training system in Ukraine of the XXI century] / Tezy dopovidi Mizhnarodnoi NTK “Intehrovani kompiuterni tekhnolohii v mashynobuduvanni IKTM-2017” [Abstracts of the International STC “Integrated Computer Technologies in ICTM-2017”]. Кharkiv : National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute». Vol. 3. pp. 206–208 [in Russian]. Published: 2020-03-28

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