
The revitalization of objects of the subject-spatial environment and the construction of modern buildings in the historical environment of settlements is a complex task that causes numerous discussions. This process is often accompanied by sharp accusations, in which the main argument sounds quite convincing: new buildings and structures disturb the authentic atmosphere of the old buildings.
 Cities that are on the list of historical ones, according to the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Cultural Heritage», require a special approach to their preservation and spatial development. The legislation regulates the construction of such cities in the historical environment through the so-called historical areas, historical and architectural reserves, the allocation of protected areas, complex protection zones, and development regulation zones.
 The introduction of security restrictions contributes to the preservation of the historical architectural and urban structure of such cities, but at the same time restrains new construction and restoration and reconstruction of abandoned buildings and structures. Thus, due to these restrictions, after many years of disinterested attitude of developers and lenders to architectural monuments, their condition has greatly deteriorated. Many buildings need not just cosmetic repairs, but serious restoration work. Revitalization projects of objects in the historical part of cities must be carried out on the basis of security documentation, which clearly regulates the approaches and principles of building reproduction. Such projects should also be implemented on the basis of an integrated approach to the reproduction of buildings, which will make it possible to ensure the maximum preservation of their valuable historical environment and compliance with monument protection requirements.
 Since the planning structure and construction of old quarters were created in accordance with the requirements of previous socio-economic eras, they are practically not amenable to adaptation to new functions. Therefore, today the task is to carry out their reconstruction with the maximum preservation of historically valuable buildings and at the same time harmoniously fit new structural elements into their subject-spatial environment. Here, it is important to ensure that when a new building is introduced into the historical environment, the modern architectural form becomes part of the formed architectural ensemble, and does not look like a foreign element. It is necessary to treat the historically valuable buildings with great responsibility, which must be preserved and maintained in good condition in every possible way, at the same time not to refuse the construction of new buildings in the historical environment, which should correspond in appearance and technology to the present, and not mechanically copy the historical past, devaluing it.

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