
The great variety and complexity of the tasks involved in creating optimal conditions for the optimal development of the human personality make the problems of teachers' pedagogical mastery [masterstvo] and pedagogical activities especially urgent ones for today's theory and practice of upbringing. The psychological-pedagogical sciences must, in consideration of the historic conditions of perfection of socialism at the present stage and proceeding from the directives of the Twenty-seventh Congress and the decisions of the April 1985 and January, June, and October 1987 CPSU Central Committee plenums, draw up a strategic program for the transformation and restructuring of the school system's upbringing work, designed to enhance the quality of the process of upbringing of the rising generations in every way, and radically improve the instruction and training of young people for independent life and labor. The restructuring of the whole life of the country, which is proceeding under the banner of accelerating...

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