
The article deals with the problems of modern historiography of everyday life of Ukrainians in the context of Russian reforms of the second half of the nineteenth century, reveals the theme of the author's approaches to his views on a given topic.In the context of the liberalization of the Soviet regime in the late 1950s-1960s, the term "Ukrainian historiography" was reintroduced into scientific circulation
 With some liberalization of education, the government has tightened control over publishing activities. By law 1865 p. censorship institutions were transferred from the Ministry of Public Education to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, church censorship operated.
 Emphasis is placed on scientific intelligence to explore a number of selected issues. Due to the above factors, the author solves the task of defining a research and comparative analysis of the impact of Russian reforms on the daily lives of Ukrainians.
 As a result of the 1861 reform carried out in the interests of the landowners, the economic situation of the bulk of the peasantry deteriorated significantly. That is why, since the 1970s, the anti-landlord peasant movement has been gaining ground in Ukraine. It increased even more in the late nineteenth century: according to incomplete data, during the period 1890-1900 alone, more than 150 riots of peasants occurred.
 Extremely difficult were the living and working conditions of the workers, who encouraged them to fight for their rights. In the 1880s and 1894s alone, 97 strikes and 13 riots took place in Ukraine. The total number of participants in the strikes was 29,000.
 Thus, despite the tsarist colonial policy, Ukraine was one of the first places in the Russian empire for economic development. However, its economy was largely one-sided. Finally. XIX century. Ukraine accounted for 70% of all production of the extractive industry, while in processing it accounted for only 15%. The peculiarity of Ukraine's economic development was the fact that capital accumulation took place not in the hands of Ukrainians, but in the hands of their foreign national exploiters.

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