
Preserving the health of workers when using shift forms of work for oil and gas extraction in harsh northern climatic regions is an important task and requires a special approach to ensuring medical control of this category of persons and the scientific development of preventive measures aimed at maintaining the normal functional state of the body, maintaining well-being, efficiency and health of workers. In the most frequently cited sources of scientific literature there are results of numerous studies of working conditions, the labor process, life support and morbidity of gas-oil workers of shift forms of work during the development of hydrocarbon deposits in the North. However, many practical issues related to the scientific development and application of preventive measures aimed at preserving the health of shift workers have not yet been resolved.
 Based on the analysis of numerous works by domestic and foreign authors, regulatory documents devoted to the problem of the influence of cold, climatogeographic, production and life-supporting factors on the body of shift workers in the northern regions of the country, researchers have identified the main and current directions for improving the health of oil and gas complex workers in the shift form of labor organization.
 Shift work in the North has its own characteristics: workers from other regions of the country and neighboring states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc.) experience additional loads associated with cold and adverse effects of climatic and geographical conditions, adaptation takes place with a significant restructuring of metabolic processes in the body.
 Significant changes occur in the systems: respiratory, hematopoietic and cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive (in men and women) and nervous, as well as in the immune system, up to their possible imbalance, which causes a reduction in the reserve capabilities of the body, which can be both functional and pathological. Improving the health of workers when using shift forms of work in oil and gas production in harsh northern climatic regions is one of the important tasks and requires a special approach to ensuring medical control over this category of persons and solving many practical issues to improve life support and working conditions.

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