
The problem of compatibility of virtue and politics, moral and power, individual and political ethics has occupied people for many centuries. The moral principles of a person’s behavior in the space of power are of no less interest. E.Potapchuk in her search for what power is, how it is related to freedom, how it influences an individual and vice versa, refers to the literary-philosophical experience of comprehending power that is presented in the novel “The First Circle” by A.I.Solzhenitsyn. She considers that the specificity of the approach towards power in this comprehensive and multifaceted novel is that power is viewed as being closely tied to an individual’s choice of value orientations and therefore, the way of existence. Including an individual into the field of social being, power implies his ability of a free choice, an act of disobedience. Otherwise, even being on the top of the power pyramid, a person will be only a slave of a ruler, system or some idea.

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