
Relevance. The article analyzes the cases in which the legislation recognizes the possibility of transfer of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity without concluding contracts with the right holders, including in the case of inheritance of such rights and in various forms of reorganization of a legal entity - the right holder. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical provisions that take into account the interests of participants of civil legal relations in various cases of non-contractual transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity.Objectives: to identify the problems associated with the non-contractual transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity; to analyze the peculiarities of legal relations associated with such a transfer, taking into account the peculiarities of the existing legislative regulation; to propose solutions aimed at eliminating contradictions between the interests of the participants of legal relations arising from the non-contractual transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity.Methodology. The dialectical-materialistic method, system method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formallegal method were used in writing the work.The results of the research are of theoretical and applied nature and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of atypical types of civil legal relations.Conclusions. The conclusions are drawn on the need to ensure the possibility of documentary confirmation of the fact of non-contractual transfer of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity in all cases when such transfer occurs as a result of reorganization of a legal entity, as well as to provide authors and other right holders with the possibility to include in alienation contracts the obligations preventing the circumvention of the provisions on payment of remuneration and other essential conditions of such contracts. The proposed solutions will make it possible to ensure the circulation of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and guarantee compliance with the obligations provided for in agreements on the alienation of such rights.The article is a continuation of the author's scientific research on the issues related to the protection of the rights of authors and their heirs.

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