
One of the most acute problems of the study is unhealthy competition among special anti-corruption actors. It has always been the case that the lack of coordination, communication and interaction between special actors in the prevention of corruption leads to inefficient, unsystematic, disorganized, untimely, and sometimes illegal activities in the fight against corruption. Despite the challenges and threats facing our state today, the current state and trends of corruption and corruption crime analyzed in the article remain disappointing and threatening for the Ukrainian state. An unprecedented number of anti-corruption bodies (both existing and newly created) did not affect the positive changes in the dynamics, structure and nature of corruption crime due to inadequate communication and interaction between them. The issue of communication among special actors in the prevention of corruption is particularly acute today, as this issue does not address a number of key issues, including the creation of an effective, efficient system for preventing and combating corruption. The article focuses on the lack of thorough analysis of corruption crime and public access to its statistics, in particular on the distortion, exaggeration, untimely performance of special anti-corruption bodies to prevent and combat corruption. Attention is drawn to the problem of not studying the causes and conditions of a specific corruption offense, and, accordingly, the failure to conduct a comprehensive analysis of criminogenic determinants of all corruption crimes, which makes it impossible to timely prevent it. Accordingly, the principles of organization of the system of prevention and counteraction to corruption crime are analyzed. The problems of legislative support for the activities of anti-corruption bodies, including special ones, are outlined. A number of directions and measures have been proposed to establish coordination, communication and interaction of special anti-corruption entities, which will help increase the effectiveness of combating corruption crime. Attention is focused on the need to establish an advisory body under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, one of the main activities of which should be to prevent and combat corruption, including coordination, communication and interaction of all anti-corruption actors.

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