
A number of problems of ecologically safe management of soils in Ukraine are revealed. A significant decrease in capital investment and current expenditures on environmental protection and the lack of information on soil protection expenditures has been detected in recent years. The paper shows that in 2015, the forms of state statistical reporting of Ukraine were eliminated, while they contained such important land use indicators as reclamation, drainage, restoration, etc. The implementation of state plans for the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts in the land management in Ukraine was traced and the adoption of the developed bills was determined to have been proceeding very slowly. The powers of central and regional government bodies and local government bodies in the area of soil fertility preservation were analyzed. The control of the State Service of Ukraine on Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster over changes in indicators of the qualitative state of soils is determined to be problematic due to the lack of specialized laboratories in the regional departments. The paper shows that agrochemical certification of agricultural lands is carried out at a low rate, and this, in connection with the beginning of the functioning of the land market in Ukraine, is unacceptable. The paper reveals that cartograms of the qualitative state of soils were developed for almost half of the agricultural land and are already outdated. The statistical information about the environment of Ukraine in terms of soil protection is reduced to the amount of fertilizers applied and the use of pesticides, and is relevant only for a part of enterprises that use a certain area of agricultural land. The low level of cooperation between the European Commission and the State Space Agency of Ukraine in the use of the capabilities of the Copernicus program is revealed.

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