
The widespread introduction of the latest means of printing and copying, new materials of writing, the use of advanced technologies for performing individual details of various documents has led to an increase in the role of forensic handwriting analysis and technical and forensic examination of documents in the disclosure and investigation of criminal offences, which are now one of the most complex types of forensic expertise. During the investigation of criminal offences, identification studies, which establish the presence or absence of identity, are of the greatest evidentiary importance. However, recently, short handwritten notes and signatures have become increasingly the objects of forensic research, which are often performed using technical means and tools. This causes considerable difficulties for knowledgeable people in solving investigation problems and their combination. Such tasks often remain either unresolved, or insufficiently substantiated conclusions are drawn from the findings. The purpose of the study is a detailed scientific analysis of the problem of investigating documents that exist at the present stage and relate both to this branch of forensic technology in general, and some individual aspects of forensic handwriting research and technical and forensic research of documents, and, based on this, the development of ways to improve the implementation of the mentioned investigations. In accordance with the goal and specifics of the subject matter, a number of methods are used, including: dialectical, formal and logical, system and structural, dogmatic and other methods of scientific knowledge. The essence of such categories as “signature” and “short notes” is clarified; attention is focused on the need to establish the method of execution (type of writing device) or the fact of the presence or absence of signs of forgery when conducting expert studies of signatures and short notes. The need to train handwriting experts in order to train complex specialists, in particular in the field of technical and forensic research of documents, computer technologies that can comprehensively examine documents and handwriting objects made in a variety of ways is emphasised. Prospects are defined in: further development of methods that allow for forensic research of signatures and short notes made using technical means and tools; development of parameters for solving identification, diagnostic, classification, and situational problems in terms of the quality and volume of the handwriting object and features of making technical changes to it

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