
Recent years in the domestic oil and gas production have been marked not only by trends towards the total digitalization of production processes, the introduction of high-tech equipment and the active entry of oil production companies into the development of fields with hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves, but also general trend associated with a radical change in the investment policy of operating companies. At the forefront of the majority of developers of domestic oil and gas, assets were the requirements for intensifying the return on financial investments in projects for the development and production of hydrocarbon resources. This factor was the reason for the authors to talk about the beginning of the era of the “new economic policy” in the oil and gas industry, which, unfortunately, cannot but affect the quality of operational processes and the degree of development of initially recoverable hydrocarbons. The authors examine several typical large oil fields, where a decrease in investment in diagnostics in the medium term preordained significant failures in the efficiency of the development of deposits and the inevitable losses in the residual volumes of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves.

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