
Analysis of the dynamics of the movement and structure of investment resources allows us to determine how competitive a sector of the national economy is in attracting foreign investment and identify problems before they affect the related macroeconomic indicators. The article examines the factors influencing FDI inflows and their interaction with public authorities. Based on the data of the quality of political institutions (WGI), developed with the participation of representatives of the World Bank, a basis for assessing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine was formed. As part of a study of international experience in assessing investment attractiveness, the authors analyzed current approaches to assessing the impact of political institutions on the dynamics of FDI and concluded on the qualitative characteristics of political institutions. Due to the limited supply of quality investment resources, the study of the assessment of the investment potential of the national economy is an important aspect of the implementation of domestic socio-economic policy. The study of the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of the economy of Ukraine allowed to form a set of indices that have a significant impact on decision-making by potential investors. The authors proposed an approach to determining investment attractiveness based on the analysis of the dynamics of quantitative indicators of the state of the economy and quality indicators of public administration. The proposed model allows to assess the impact of each of the factors on the dynamics of FDI, to identify problems that demotivate the inflow of investment resources and to develop recommendations for investment policy management at the state level. Analysis of the dynamics of the movement and structure of investment resources allows us to determine how competitive a sector of the national economy is in attracting foreign investment and identify problems before they affect the related macroeconomic indicators. The authors' approach to assessing investment attractiveness takes into account most of the main determinants of FDI. In the analysis of the literature, it was decided to take into account not only quantitative statistics, but also the results of a survey of experts, which should have avoided the bias associated with the problem of non-consideration of variables. Further development of improving the assessment of investment attractiveness of the country by updating the list of determining factors and indicators influencing the movement of FDI, and ranking of indicators of investment attractiveness using the methods of expert assessments.

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