
This article examines the synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language as one of the types of systemic relations. The choice of the chosen problem is dictated by insufficient knowledge of idioms associated with synonymous categorical relations in this field of knowledge. On the basis of the component analysis of the units of the synonymic series, phraseological units that enter into the relations of synonymy are analyzed. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in Ingush phraseology, phraseological synonymic relations are insufficiently studied, the types of phraseological synonymy according to semantic and stylistic principles are not covered. The author examines in detail one of the types of systemic relations – synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language, which have not been the subject of special study in works on phraseology. The main conclusions of the study are that phraseological synonyms are united by a common meaning and, at the same time, differ in semantic shades and images, belong to the same grammatical class, combine structural, semantic, stylistic characteristics in the process of functioning. We are interested in the interpretation of synonymous relations between phraseological units of various types in the Ingush language. The article attempts to determine the scope of the concept of a phraseological synonym in the Ingush language and to identify the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series; to systematize the types of phraseological synonymy on semantic and stylistic grounds; to consider the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series.

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