
Building an innovative ecosystem in Ukraine is one of the priority tasks for the solution of which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Strategy of development of the innovative activity field for the period until 2030 as well as started creating new institutions and so on. However, the creation of such the innovative ecosystem is impossible without understanding the problem and previous experience. The terms “ecosystem” and “ecosystem sustainability” are studied and their relation to the projects is defined. An analysis of international experience in creating sustainable innovative ecosystems and efficient technology transfer networks is conducted, drawing conclusions about the importance of higher education institutions being aware that they should establish contacts with representatives of the real sector of the economy and adapt flexibly to the market demands rather than make unclaimed and undemanded researches and developments. This is a key prerequisite for the successful implementation of technology transfer and the development of the innovative ecosystem as a whole. The main impediments to the effective technology transfer are identified. The technology transfer subjects such as higher education institutions and industrial enterprises are analyzed and negative tendencies requiring intervention are defined. Problems of technology transfer management at the national level are identified, namely the relation of technology transfer issues to the departments of different ministries and other state authorities, as well as parallel and simultaneous creation of duplicate institutions based on these ministries, one of the tasks of which is supporting technology transfer. It is suggested to designate a single authority that would manage technology transfer and establish a clear actions plan for the development of the innovation ecosystem, and that also would be responsible for its failure or insufficient implementation.

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