
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of Russian historiography at the beginning of the 21st century on the issues of intergenerational transmission of spiritual and moral experience in modern Russian society. The need to have a generalized scientific understanding of intergenerational interactions determines the relevance of this work, as understanding between different generations is a prerequisite for harmonious development of society. In the analysis of historiography, the methods of historical-comparative, historical-typological, content analysis were used, and the data of sociological surveys were taken into account. The article identifies the topics that attract the greatest and least attention of researchers, analyses the source base of profile works and their research apparatus; shows the factors that determine, according to modern Russian authors, the level of success of spiritual interaction of generations; the scientific and practical recommendations on the effective intergenerational transmission of spiritual and moral values were generalized. In practical terms, the materials of the article can be useful to representatives of the humanities and experts working in the field of state and municipal administration, social security, and education at all levels. The conclusions drawn from the results of this historiographic analysis can be used when adjusting university curricula in the humanities in order to include those issues in the list of mandatory for study, the development of which can contribute to the harmonization of intergenerational relations.

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