
AbstractThe dental proportions of Ramapithecus specimen FT 1271‐2 (from Fort Ternan, Kenya) have been compared with undoubted fossil pongids from the Miocene of East Africa. Compared to its Miocene pongid contemporaries, Ramapithecus exhibits distinct anterior tooth reduction both in its incisor and canine dimensions. This distinction is most clearly seen in comparisons of Ramapithecus with pongids of similar cheek tooth size, i.e., Dryopithecus africanus and Pan paniscus. The differences in dental proportions between the phylogenetic lines of D. africanus to Pan and Ramapithecus to Homo are discussed in terms of various dietary hypotheses. The similarities in dental proportions of Gorilla and Ramapithecus illustrate their non‐frugivorous dietary preferences, but have little or no value as far as the taxonomic assessment of Ramapithecus is concerned.

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