
As is evident from a wealth of literature, the powerful messages in mass media (advertising, movies, music lyrics and videos, radio, television, video games, and the Internet) influence the way children perceive their environment, their relationships, their bodies, and various risk behaviors. Media-consumption habits in children and adolescents predict risk behaviors and adverse health outcomes as diverse as overweight and obesity, violence and aggressive behavior, tobacco and alcohol use, and early sexual debut. Many parents and some physicians underestimate the negative and lifelong impact of early sexual activity. Sexually active adolescents are at immediate risk for pregnancy and acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In general, the earlier the sexual debut, … Address correspondence to Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr, MD, Medical Institute for Sexual Health, PO Box 162306, Austin, TX 78716-2306, E-mail: jmcilhaney{at}medinstitute.org

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