
1. Introduction Under the modern economic conditions, the issues related to competitiveness and sustainability of development of country, region, or specific enterprise become very important. At that, regional competition is a very significant factor which stipulates the increase of efficiency of national economy. It is obvious that sustainability and competitiveness of country or specific region is determined by the level of technological development. Experience of the most economically developed and competitive countries of the world show that one of the most efficient mechanisms which facilitate the increase of sustainability of territories is implementation of cluster initiatives in business. There is constant and quick exchange of information between cluster members which facilitates the increase of competitiveness of not only enterprises of cluster but of economy of region (country) on the whole. Cluster approach views such categories as interconnection and cooperation of state, business, science, and education; competitiveness; informational and communicational networks. Advantage of cluster approach consists in presence of effective tools which allow stimulating economic development of region which consists in creation of new jobs, increase of assignments to the budget (regional and federal), growth of GRP, development of investment potential of region, increase of competitiveness of region, etc. However, this direction in economic practice of developing countries received insufficient distribution, which determined the necessity for development of methodological issues of usage of cluster approach to sustainable development of developing countries--which is viewed in this research. At present, many countries of the world pay a lot of attention to the issue of clustering. This is due to the fact that clusters are viewed as a tool for increasing competitiveness and investment attractiveness of country, region, and entrepreneur, and as a tool for stimulation of innovative activities. An important tool for support for cluster initiatives in business is regional policy, role of state bodies, and mechanism of their influence on development and functioning of cluster. Cluster initiative, as a rule, is understood as coordinated actions aimed at the increase of competitiveness and growth of regional sectorial cluster with direct participation of key members of cluster: companies, associations, educational establishments, etc. 2. Methods Being a new project-oriented approach to stimulation of cluster development, cluster initiatives are a specific tool of cluster policy. As experience of developed countries shows, support for cluster initiatives is provided by all levels of authorities--federal, regional, and municipal, but the forms of support are different at each of the above mentioned levels. Let us view some examples of the most successful development of cluster initiatives. Cluster initiatives within regional policy of Austria (Upper Austria) have a character of non-financial support for information flows, preparation of staff, and cooperation of cluster companies with R&D laboratories. Regional cluster policy of Belgium (Flanders) has been conducted since 1994. The policy is conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the Flanders government registers clusters, and then noncommercial organizations of cluster can receive subsidies from government for covering operational expenses. At the second stage, cluster companies can receive grants and credits for R&D, as well as for implementation of innovational projects (Anfinsen et al., 2014). Regional policy of support for industrial clusters in Great Britain (Scotland) is performed within the program Networks of Scottish enterprises. Four directions of clustering were chosen: biotechnology, food industry, oil and gas production, and semi-conductor industry (Alberti et al. …

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