
The regular development of the new crown epidemic has led to a change in the teaching mode of universities around the world, with teaching using the Internet as a medium to transform from offline classes to online teaching classes, a phenomenon that brings new opportunities and challenges for the development of teaching in humanities general education courses. As humanities general education courses have a good foundation for online teaching, this provides certain advantages for their online teaching. The lack of offline monitoring and classroom practice by teachers can deprive the humanities general education classroom of its interactive dynamics and collaborative atmosphere. In this regard, the teaching of humanities general education should be based on the online-offline flipped class model, combined with the teaching characteristics of humanities courses, to explore educational and teaching reform paths. Special attention should be paid to the aesthetic practice process of humanities subjects, and the transition from "theoretical" teaching to "practical" teaching should be completed. Teachers should also make use of the SPOC platform and the 'flipped' second classroom to achieve dual teaching lines and create a multi-dimensional teaching space. In terms of teaching monitoring, dynamic management and supervision of online teaching quality can be achieved through in-class and out-of-class collaboration.

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