
Background: Since its establishment in 2005, the national university -Sudan (NUSU) has adopted problem- based learning (PBL) as an educational strategy and a teaching method. The increasing number of student's intake every year and the turnover of staff had affected the way PBL sessions were conducted. Therefore, in 2014 a task-force was formed by the faculty of medicine to address the issue. Objectives: to investigate the status of PBL in the faculty of medicine and propose required measures. Methodology: A task force was formed by the faculty board. It consisted of a medical educationalist, a senior physician, and a physiologist. The group investigated the organization and implementation of PBL. It reviewed the current practice including the timetables, the problem scenarios and the students' attendance records. Results: Most of the problem scenarios had no clear source or objectives. The implementation of PBL sessions depended on part-time tutors. There was no structured program for training of tutors. The students 'attendance for PBL sessions was notably poor. Conclusion: The task force presented their report including a proposal for actions to be taken. Training workshops for tutors were organized and timetables were restructured to properly accommodate PBL as an active learning method. Implementation of PBL requires continuous support for training of academic staff and provision of learning resources for the students. The use of e-learning should be considered as a future measure to increase the learning opportunities for students and as a solution to the issue of large groups teaching.

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