
The aim of this article is to present a legal positivist social source thesis in the context of classical metaphysical reflection. Author uses the method of analysing the source texts and abstracts theses that can be considered as metaphysical. Metaphysical theses divide into existential and essential. They are expressed directly by an author or possible to reconstruct. Reasoning was based on convenience that universality of metaphysics should be considered temporally. The thesis about the evolution of ways of understanding reality, along with the development of mankind, is one of the cardinal assumptions of positivism in general. Based on this historiosophical rule, August Comte draws further conclusions about a possible modern philosophy for the future. The denial of metaphysics leads to cursory, perhaps unconscious, acceptance of the theses that have already been developed in the history of philosophy. The reflections are essentially focused on the issue of ontological status of society. Its understanding determines the understanding of social facts and seems to have an impact on social source thesis. The main part of the reflection is placed in a historical context. It enables to examine some aspects that are difficult to consider nowadays. One of the conclusions is that metaphysics to which positivism opposes is dominant in 19th century philosophy, but in general only one of many schools of thought. Since there is no specific literature on that matter, author signalize problems considering them generally.

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