
Campaigning is a ritual that cannot be eliminated in implementing the General Election or Local Election. Given that campaigns are an essential part of political communication carried out by legislative or executive candidates to attract people's votes. Some of the campaign models that are frequently used are posters, banners, billboards, etc. This study uses a qualitative method by combining two data collection methods: observation and literature study. The results of this study are: First, conventional campaigns using posters, banners, billboards, and so on will create visual waste that disturbs beauty and the environment. Second, although the Perbawaslu already exists, the regulation has not created obedience in the implementation of campaigns carried out by candidates. But on the other hand, there is a Law on Environmental Protection and Management (UUPPLH) that exclusively regulates the use of criminal law facilities and administrative and civil law facilities related to environmental management. Therefore, it is necessary to make stricter regulations to create environmental order due to the implementation of the campaign. Third, conventional campaigns that create visual waste should be replaced with new media campaigns or campaigns using environmentally friendly materials. It aims to develop green elections.


  • that cannot be eliminated in implementing the General Election

  • that campaigns are an essential part of political communication carried out

  • that exclusively regulates the use of criminal law facilities

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Pendahuluan Hal yang lazim terjadi menjelang

Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) maupun Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) seluruh pikiran, perhatian, dan kegiatan partai politik juga peserta Pemilu yang gencar melakukan berbagai kegiatan kampanye, seperti bakti sosial, pemasangan atribut partai, pengumpulan massa, hingga pembuatan iklan politik (Mutiara, 2014; Rozak, 2009; Yutanti, 2006). Selain itu sistem multi partai menciptakan persaingan antar partai dan membuat setiap partai berlomba-lomba dengan segala cara untuk dapat memikat hati pemilih. Hal tersebut karena banyaknya poster, banner, baliho, stiker, dan alat peraga kampanye lainnya yang bertujuan untuk menawarkan diri baik pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden, seorang calon legislatif, maupun pasangan calon kepala daerah dari berbagai macam partai politik ditambah dengan janji-janji manis dalam tampilan kampanyenya. Iklan politik yang dikemas dalam bentuk verbal maupun visual (alat peraga kampanye) semestinya menjadi media yang artistik, komunikatif, dan persuasif. Tulisan ini focus membahas bagaimana sampah visual yang dihasilkan dari kampanye baik dalam Pemilu maupun Pilkada dengan melihat dari tinjauan hukum pengelolaan lingkungan.

Alat Peraga Kampanye dan Material Ramah Lingkungan
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