
Education as one of the basic rights or fundamental rights that everyone must own has been discussed since 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Primary education becomes important later because education is a strategic aspect of human life. Malaysia, as one of the destination countries of Indonesian migrant workers as a place to work. From the data of 2.7 million people spread throughout the territory of Malaysia. The problems that arise are not only in the administration of the workers but also the children they bring to work there. It becomes a dilemma because the government cannot go down directly because of obstacles such as national borders and the applicable rules. The Transnational Public-Private Partnership, which is then carried out between the two countries and a third party, private then, can fulfill that education. CLC or Community Learning Center is a manifestation of this form of public-private collaboration. In this case, the private sector's involvement is significant in fulfilling the education of Indonesian migrant worker children in the Sarawak region. To date, 62 CLCs provide access to education for 1,658 Indonesian children. With local teachers/tutors who are Indonesian citizens, the company recruits to teach with a minimum high school / vocational certificate. Until June 2019, there were 94 Pamong Teachers in the Sarawak CLC, and Bina Teachers were teachers sent by the Indonesian Government (Kemendikbud RI) to teach at the CLC. As of June 2019, there were 23 Bina Teachers in the Sarawak CLC.


  • Education as one of the basic rights or fundamental rights that everyone must own has been discussed since 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • later because education is a strategic aspect of human life

  • From the data of 2.7 million people spread throughout the territory of Malaysia

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Penulis menggunakan Teori Gerakan massa, Eric Hoffer menyebutkan bahwa dalam banyak kasus gerakan perubahan secara mendasar ditentukan oleh dinamika dan konfigurasi kekuasaan. Hoffer menekankan bahwa faktor penyebab suatu gerakan massa adalah yang pertama adanya keinginan akan perubahan. Rakyat akan menunjukkan rasa tidak puasnya terhadap pemerintah dan meminta perubahan apabila mereka yakin dengan yang diinginkan adalah berupa perbaikan dalam bidang politik, sosial, hokum, dan ekonomi (Hoffer, 1988: 3). Rakyat yang tidak puas tidak turut berpartisipasi aktif dalam aksi kolektif kecuali mereka menjadi bagian dari satu kelompok terorganisir yang memiliki beberapa sumber daya. Bahkan ancaman yang dilancarkan oleh pemerintah dan kelompok-kelompok kontra tidak bisa menyurutkan partisipasi rakyat tidak puas yang telah terorganisir dan memiliki sumber daya otonom untuk melakukan aksi kolektif (Tilly, 1978). Aksi kolektif terjadi ketika terbangun suatu kondisi khusus yang membuat sekelompok orang dengan kepentingan sama telah terorganisir bertindak untuk mengejar kepetingan yang sama. Kondisi khusus tersebut adalah gerakan serupa di Mesir dan Tunisia

Surat Kelulusan Pendaftaran
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