
The frequency of the environment (ecology) is one of the issues that is always interesting to study and discuss, the environmental damage that is happening a lot nowadays, refer to us how much set of problems that must be overcome by the government in tackling it. Forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan and the handling of rubbish that is still a mess in several regions in Indonesia, causing floods and environmental pollutions, that is evidence of the many problems and environmental crises in our country. These environmental crises, scientifically-philosophically is called as ecological crises, are a reflection of the spiritual crisis of modern humans that has eliminated God in relation to nature. Islam has far made the environment as an ecosystem that must always be maintained its existence, caring for and guarding it is our duty as humans, as offered by the monism theory that the true nature of the origin of all this reality is only one (all is one), in other words when we destroy nature as well as damage ourselves. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out the problems of environmental crises and to find out what solutions can be offered to overcome the problems of environmental crises and how ethical principles respond to environmental crises perspective of the Qur'an.


  • Frekuensi lingkungan hidup menjadi salah satu isu yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji serta diperbincangkan, kerusakan-kerusakan lingkungan yang banyak terjadi saat ini, menggambarkan kepada kita betapa banyak sekali pekerjaan rumah yang harus segera diatasi oleh pemerintah dalam menanggulanginya

  • Islam has far made the environment as an ecosystem that must always be maintained its existence, caring for and guarding it is our duty as humans, as offered by the monism theory that the true nature of the origin of all this reality is only one, in other words when we destroy nature as well as damage ourselves

  • The purpose of this research is to find out the problems of environmental crises and to find out what solutions can be offered to overcome the problems of environmental crises and how ethical principles respond to environmental crises perspective of the Qur'an

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Perilaku menyimpang dan tidak bermanfaat

Sebagaimana firman Allah: ُ٘‫ الأزض قبى٘ا إَّب ّحِ ٍصيح‬ٜ‫و ىٌٖ لا رفسدٗا ف‬ٞ‫ٗإذا ق‬. Artinya: “Dan janganlah kamu membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, sesudah (Allah) memperbaikinya dan berdo‟alah kepada-Nya dengan rasa takut (tidak akan diterima) dan harapan (akan dikabulkan). Ayat ini menunjukkan larangan untuk berbuat kerusakan atau tidak bermanfaat dalam bentuk apapun, baik menyangkut perilaku, seperti; merusak, membunuh, mencemari sungai, dan lain-lain. Jika di alam raya terdapat Tuhan selain Allah, niscaya tidak akan teratur. Kata ifsad di sini berarti merusak apa saja yang ada, baik benda maupun orang, baik dengan membongkar, merobohkan, maupun menjadikan mereka tidak berdaya dan kehilangan kemuliaan.[34]. Menjelaskan bahwa di dalam Islam adalah risalah langit yang sejak empat belas abad yang lalu telah mensyari‟atkan (mengatur) hak-hak asasi manusia secara komprehensip dan mendalam, Islam mengaturnya dengan segala macam jaminan yang cukup untuk menjaga serta menghormati hak-hak tersebut. Artinya: Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami muliakan anak-anak Adam, Kami angkut mereka di daratan dan di lautan, Kami beri mereka rezeki dari yang baik-baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka dengan kelebihan yang sempurna atas kebanyakan makhluk yang telah Kami ciptakan

Memelihara Akal
Memelihara Keturunan
Memelihara Harta
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