
This study aims to look at the portrait of the current problem of da'wah and its strategy. This type of research is used for literature review or literature review. The results obtained are the condition of the portrait of da'wah in the current era of information globalization which is increasingly heavy and complex, of course, it becomes a challenge for the development of da'wah. The emergence of problems that target the younger generation becomes a threat point for the survival of Muslims, especially in Indonesia. The portrait of the problems faced and the challenges and threats for da'wah and da'i activists is the "silting of faith" due to the progress of the times such as problems related to the erosion of Aqeedah and Akhlaq, single religious shifts, problems of pluralistic, hedonistic, individualistic and materialistic societies related to rationalism. Muslims. The characteristics of the profile of the Indonesian Muslim community have caused problems both internally and externally. So that it requires the application of an effective and efficient da'wah strategy in order to compete and maintain Islamic values amid the threats of the times by improving the quality in terms of substantive competence and methodology, increasing the value of rahmatan lil alamin and universal values as well as the importance of mastering information technology by utilizing the latest media.

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