
 The existence of Tap. MPR Post 1945 Amandement to the issuance of Law No. 12 of 2011 has given an opportunity for the Assembly to create a new Tap. MPR outside from the valid one. At the time how judicial review of laws that conflict with the Tap. MPR, and how judicial review of the Tap. MPR are contrary to the Constitution is necessary to realize justice and balance. One of the powers of the Constitutional Court (MK) in paragraph C of Article 24 (1) Constitution of 1945 is hear at the first and the last with a final decision to the laws of Constitution. So if there are laws that conflict with the MPR or MPR and contrary to the Constitution, the authority to test the authority of the Constitutional Court instead. How To Cite: Wijaya, S. (2015). Problematic MPR Decree Post Reform and After The Issuance of Law No. 12 of 2011. Rechtsidee, 2(1), 53-64. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21070/jihr.v2i1.6


  • At the time how judicial review of laws that conflict with the Tap

  • Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) are contrary to the Constitution is necessary to realize justice

  • So if there are laws that conflict with the MPR

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3. Memutus usul DPR mengenai pemberhentian Presiden dan Wakil Presiden setelah ada Putusan dari Mahkamah Konstitusi bahwa Presiden terbukti melakukan pelanggaran hukum seperti yang diatur dalam Pasal 7 B Ayat (5) UUD 1945; 4. MPR dalam hierarki Peraturan Perundangundangan dalam UU No 10 tahun 2004, sejak adanya UU ini muncul problem hukum mengenai tidak hanya pada eksistensi Tap. MPR saja, namun juga DPR dan Presiden merasa kehilangan arahan untuk membuat UU yang secara substansi telah diatur dalam Tap. MPR.

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