
The purpose of the work: to identify problematic issues of rationing and detection of adulteration of milk and dairy products with fats of non-dairy origin of the fat phase and to propose ways to improve the rationing and application of methods of quality control of milk and dairy products in the practice of control and supervisory measures. To obtain the necessary data, legislative, regulatorytechnical and regulatory — methodological documentation, scientific publications and dissertations for the period from 2018 to 2023 were used. It has been established that at present, the detection of falsification of milk and dairy products within the framework of control and supervisory measures has a number of difficulties, which are related both to the legality of the use of existing control methods and regulatory framework, and to the informativeness of the control methods used and the relevance of the regulatory framework. To solve this issue, it is necessary to introduce new more inf into institutions that ensure the activities of Rospotrebnadzor new more informative control methods. One of which is the gas chromatographic determination of the triglyceride content in the fat fraction of the product, which makes it possible to detect the introduction of non-dairy components of less than 30 % and the use of animal fats as substitutes for milk fat. One of these methods is the determination of triglycerides of the fat fraction of the product, based on the extraction of lipids from the product sample, followed by direct gas chromatographic determination of their content. To evaluate products, it is necessary to adjust the regulatory documentation applicable to milk and dairy products, including the inclusion of clear identification indicators of the fat phase of milk fat in TR CU 033/2013 « On the safety of milk and dairy products».

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