
The in-service training delivered in Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) aims at increasing teacher’s knowledge and skills in teaching English. Language Teaching is dependent on philosophical assumption on the nature of language and language learning. Language teaching is terminated at using language skillfully in various communicative events. The in-service training is based on a general theory that is implemented through the application of high order thinking (HOT), the innovative instructional design, namely: Problem Based Learning (PBL), and Project Based Learning (PjBL). This study intended to find out the application of HOT, PBL and PJBL. The data of this study were taken from lesson plans (RPP) and its implementation in classroom interaction. The data were analyzed by using the related theory as temporary category of identification, classification and interpretation. The results show that (1) the teachers are constrained by the use of operational verbs of HOT in formulating its indicators in KD 3 (knowledge competence), and in KD4 (skills) which resulted in the improper way of teaching English, (2) the teachers are compelled by the syntax of PBL and PjBL into improper steps of teaching English, (3) the teachers unconsciously made technology as media as the objective rather than as facilitation to language learning and consequently it turned the teaching of English into teaching about language, like teaching content knowledge such as Biology, Physics, etc, rather than enabling the students to use English communicatively. These findings lead to the conclusion that the teaching of English should be mainly based on the theory of language and the theory of language learning. Other theories imported from other disciplines or from educational psychology should be adapted to the theory of language and language learning. Key Words: Media, Competence, High order thinking, Innovative instruction.

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