
The paper contains an analysis of scientific-theoretical and scientific-empirical research on the problem of classification of computer addiction, Internet addiction and cyber-addiction. The author reveals the basic definitions, provides an analysis of various views of scientists on the symptoms and existing classifications of cyber-addictions. Reveals three groups of factors that determine addictive behavior: biological, social and psychological. According to the results of the analysis, own definitions and classification of cyber-addictions are given. The research methods were: theoretical analysis and generalization of socio-psychological, medical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical literature and interdisciplinary analysis. Theoretical analysis of available domestic and foreign research was devoted to the consideration and formation of such definitions as Internet addiction, computer addiction and cyber Generalization and interdisciplinary analysis of socio-psychological, medical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical literature is aimed at reflecting the current state of the problem of classification of cyber-addiction from the standpoint of an interdisciplinary approach.The author emphasizes that computer addiction, Internet addiction and cyber addiction are not yet officially recognized, ie not included in the classification of ICD-10 diseases and DSM IV disorders (however, are planned in future editions of these classifiers). The analysis of existing scientific achievements makes it possible to state that at present the nosology, anamnesis and determinants of these addictions are not sufficiently described, the criteria for distinguishing cyber-addiction, Internet addictions, computer addictions, game addiction, and some new types of cyber are not clearly defined. -addictions in general are still insufficiently studied and not taken into account by international classifiers of diseases. At the same time, the process of global digitalization, gadgetization and implementation of interactive technologies in human life brings new types of cyber-addictions and gradually expands the range of risk groups, lowering the age criteria. Thus, the current issue remains the definition of the boundary when the bright, colorful and fascinating world of cyberspace with many different characters, images, places so masters the psyche that it grows into cyber-addiction.The author concludes that it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of cyber-addiction, Internet addictions, computer addictions, provides his own conceptual model for distinguishing between types of cyber-addictions.

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