
The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the changes that are taking place in the perception of information privacy in today’s digital society. The relevance of the work is due to the development of modern information and communication technologies, the global spread of which changes the attitude towards the security of personal data. To analyze the problems associated with the rethinking of the phenomenon of privacy in the modern digital age, a systematic approach is used, as well as methods of historical analysis, hermeneutic and logical methods. The phenomenon of the privacy paradox is described, which lies in the fact that, despite the fact that many users express concern about the safety of their personal information, they are not ready to give up the benefi ts that the use of new technologies gives them. Doubts are increasingly being expressed about the fundamental possibility of controlling the dissemination of personal information, since the life of an individual becomes transparent to both government agencies and commercial structures. As a result of the development of digital technologies and the associated possibilities for collecting, storing and processing information, an argument is put forward that privacy, in the form in which it existed before, is an outdated concept. The fi ndings suggest that since it is impossible to control access to personal data, claims to privacy should be abandoned altogether. The changes taking place in modern society are refl ected in the term “post-privacy”, which describes a situation in which information privacy is no longer perceived as a value that requires protection. In a rapidly developing digital environment, further research into the problem of post-privacy is of particular importance.

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