
Problem Based Learning model is one of the appropriate learning models to achieve the objectives of learning mathematics, namely being able to solve problems creatively. This research is an experimental study, namely research aimed at knowing the differences in learning outcomes from the influence of the Problem Based Learning model, and student achievement motivation on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in the field of mathematics at SDN Jemundo I and SDN Sadang, Taman sub-district. The subjects in this study were all students of SDN Jemundo 1, which were 238 students and all of SDN Sadang, which were 156 students. The samples or data sources in the study were the fifth grade students of SDN Jemundo 1 and Sadang, Taman Sidoarjo District, for the 2020-2021 school year. So the grouping of research subjects can be in the form of an experimental group, namely the fifth grade students of SDN Jemundo 1 with a total of 25 students, namely 16 male students and 9 female students while the control group is a fifth grade student at SDN Sadang with a total of 25 students, namely 14 male students and 14 male students. 11 female students. There is an effect of applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model and conventional learning on the fifth grade students of Mathematics at SDN Taman Sidoarjo District. Based on the average, the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is more effective on the mathematics scores of fifth grade students at SDN Taman Sidoarjo District

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